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西マウイの素晴らしい海の下に何があるのか、考えたことはありますか? マウイ島にある素晴らしいダイビング スポットをいくつかご紹介します。

Certification Courses



  • ダイビングに最適な季節: 晩春、夏、初秋

    湾の周囲には大きなサンゴ礁が広がり、多くの海洋生物が生息しています。この美しいダイビング スポットには、岩の張り出しや渓谷があり、冒険を楽しめます。
    私たちは、この素晴らしい場所でダイビングをする数少ないスキューバダイビング業者のうちの 1 つです。


    • 一般的なもの: カメ、ウツボ、ウミウシの枝、ウミウシ

    • 時々:タコ、ウミウシ、バラクーダ。

    • 珍しいもの:トビエイ、メジロザメ、イルカ。

  • ダイビングに最適な季節: 一年中。



    • 一般的なもの: ウナギ、カラフルなサンゴ礁の魚、ヌーディの枝、ウミウシ

    • 時々: カメ、バラクーダ、タコ、トビエイ、ホウボウ

    • レア:イルカとモンクアザラシ

  • Best Dive Seasons: Year round.

    The famous Black Rock boasts massive schools of fish, turtle encounters, and depending on the season, spotted eagle rays or loud whale song.

    Marine Life

    • Common: Eels, schools of akule (big-eyed scad), Turtles, Nudi Branchs, Sea Slugs

    • Occasional: Barracuda, Octopus, Eagle Rays.

    • Rare: Dolphins, White Tip Reef Sharks, Monk Seals

  • ダイビングに最適な季節: 一年中。

    ダイバーの少ない静かなダイビング スポットで、広大で静かなサンゴ礁をダイバーに提供します。


    • 一般的なもの: ウナギ、カラフルなサンゴ礁の魚、ヌーディの枝、ウミウシ

    • 時々:カメ、バラクーダ、タコ、トビエイ。

    • レア:イルカとモンクアザラシ

  • Best Dive Seasons: Spring, Fall, Winter.

    The easiest shore entry on Maui! Canyons of coral extend from the shore, inviting divers to explore this turtle haven.

    Marine Life: 

    • Common: Colorful Reef Fish, Turtles

    • Occasional: Octopus, Eels

    • Rare: Eagle Rays



Will we see fish?

Yes, all our dives have us hanging out with colorful reef fish and coral reef. However, we cannot guarantee sightings of turtles, octopus, or other marine life as turtles do not have phone numbers or keep office hours!

Will we get on a boat?

No, we specialize in shore diving. Maui is blessed with beautiful, easily accessible shore dive sites.


Why are all the sites so shallow?

The shallower the dive site, the more the sunlight gets to the coral reef and helps marine life flourish abundantly! We also get longer bottom times than if you were to dive deep.


Will we see whales?

We are unlikely to see whales as they usually inhabit deeper waters and local regulation prohibits us from getting too close. However, we are lucky to hear their sweet songs (whale soup) underwater during whale season!


Can I hug a turtle?

No turtle hugs are available as local regulations have us staying a careful distance away from them. However, the calm and respectful diver is often rewarded by curious turtles or other amazing marine life approaching them.

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